The Saturday Law Interview - a relaunch
Today sees the relaunch of our Saturday law conversations published as the SaturdayLawInterview. Today's Saturday Law Interview features Czech constitution lawyer and lecturer Martin Kopa discussing the importance of professional legal ethics, benefits of early exposure to clients for law students via law clinics as well as his experience of ECHR: 'Laws are made by necessity like paths are made by walking'.

These interviews have featured lawyers, legal academics and interesting personalities from the general legal diaspora. TheLawMap publications had always been about making justice and law related information available to all. Over the course of the last three years the ethos of the editorial team had been to present lawyers in a humane light and as the main protagonist within the justice system, thereby highlighting their contribution to the legal process and society in general.   

If you are a legal professional and would like to be featured in our interview series, please contact us:

Our previous interviews are: 

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